

(cla-assoc! collection-name key val)
Adds one document (val) to a collection (specified by collection-name) with a given key.
Always uses the default database set in clarango.core.

Modeled on core/assoc (
Does the same, just on an ArangoDB collection. The difference is that you can currently only pass one key and one document
to add to the collection, not several like in clojure.core/dissoc


(cla-conj! collection-name x)
Adds one document (x) to a collection (specified by collection-name). The key for the document is generated by ArangoDB.
Always uses the default database set in clarango.core.

Modeled on core/conj (
Does the same, just on an ArangoDB collection. The difference is that you can currently only pass one element to add
to the collection, not several like in clojure.core/conj


(cla-dissoc! collection-name key)
Removes a document thats identified by the key parameter from a collection.

Modeled on core/dissoc (
Does the same, just on an ArangoDB collection. The difference is that you can currently only pass one key to remove
from the collection, not several like in clojure.core/dissoc


(cla-get! collection-name key)
Gets a document out of a collection by key.

Modeled on core/get (
Does the same, just on an ArangoDB collection.

Currently this method throws an error when used with a key that does not exist. This should be changed in the future, 
also it should be possible to give a value that is returned by the function, in case the key does not exist.